Saturday, July 5, 2008

Skateboarding for beginners

Are you rookie in skateboarding!? Want to start but don’t know what to do first!? Then you are in the right place! Skateboarding for beginners will help you to learn the most important basics about skateboarding.
Skateboarding is one great thing, because you can express your self in many ways. You can create new style – YOUR style, you can get many friends and it’s healthy to have active lifestyle and skateboard will help you to be active. I guaranteed that!

What do you need to know before you buy skateboard
Before you buy skateboard, you need to know what you want to do with it. If you want to be poser, than you don’t need to buy expensive deck, you can buy cheap skateboard in supermarket. But if you want to skate with your deck then you need some good skateboard. From my experience I advise you to do not skimp your money and buy good and resistant deck in skate shop, not in some supermarket. Be right-minded and don’t buy cheap decks which will preclude your upgrowthink

How to choose the right skateboard
To choose the first and right skateboard for you, I advice you to require help for the skate shop salesman. Tell him that you are beginner, what you want to do with your skateboard and I guaranteed that he will help to choose apropos skateboard exactly for you.

What to do next
Now, when you have your skateboard you should start to use it. First of all you need to ascertain are you goofy* or regular*. After that you just need to start riding. Do not try tricks before you feel comfortable and stabile on the deck. Learn how to move skateboard front from one side to other, learn how to ride manual – riding only on two wheels, and other basic things. In the beginnings I advise to start skating in asphalted ground. Do not go to skate parks before you feel ready.

When you feel ready and you know how to do the basic things, you can start learning tricks. First and important trick which is the basic of all tricks is ollie – it is when you jump with your deck. It is simply trick, but you must learn it very good, because if you don’t know how to do ollie, then you can’t do other tricks. After you had learn ollie you can learn other tricks like pop shuvit, kickflip and else. (More in trick tips)
I advice you to buy special skate shoes, because with those shoes is easier to make trick than usual shoes.

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